Ergonomics Coaching at MCD

Published on: 27.06.2018 Category: Company Company

Ergonomics coaching: For a healthy back in the daily working life.

MCD advocates for healthy backs of its workforce. Therefore, an ergonomics coaching took place, for which numerous employees had registered.

In the morning, the coaching started with an introduction after a welcome of fitness consultant Stefanie Reiter, which made all participants aware of how important the back is for their own mobility. To support the spine in its daily work, first hands-on tips and exercises followed. All participants enthusiastically tried the illustrated exercises, which could be simply integrated into their everyday lives.

In the course of the day individual consultations took place at each workplace of the participants. It did not matter if you work mainly at the office workplace or in production, because ergonomics are applicable everywhere.

In addition to the training, the MCD management offered fresh fruits and water to all employees so that it was not only a healthy day for their backs but in general.

The entire MCD team would like to thank Stefanie Reiter, the Techniker Krankenkasse (TKK) for supporting the implementation of the ergonomics coaching and the MCD management, who offers once again a great additional service for the health of the workforce.