MCD inspires Students for Technology

Published on: 15.07.2009 Category: Youth Promotion Youth Promotion

MCD inspires Students for Technology

MCD participated on July 15, 2009 on the Chamber of Industry and Commerce´s Offensive, "The fascination of Technology". Nine 9th grade students of the Ludwig-Uhland-Schule in Birkenfeld, accompanied by their teacher Andreas Hailer visited our company.

The project is aimed towards students, male and females in particular, to spike interests in technical training programs.

The welcome was given by our executive director Mr. Bruno Hörter, and the head of Innovations Technology and Quality Management Mr. Morgenthaler of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Afterwards, the students were given a tour of our company by our sales manager Achmed Haddou. After the tour, the technology enthusiasts were invigorated after having some cold refreshments and Brezel sandwiches.The nine students were then divided into two groups.
One group was assigned to our BA-student Dennis Weber, and the other group was assigned to our IT specialist Florian Ritschel. The students participated in interesting workshops where they could measure their own resistance and learned from practice examples of the MCD measurement techincs.
After the workshops, current and former apprentices gave a presentation on training opportunities offered at MCD. Also, our representative and trainer Mrs. Petra Noske-Mahseredjian, gave the students useful tips on how to deliver a successful application.
The students had an opportunity to asses the field trip and leave comments by filling out a questionnaire. Finally, all students received an MCD souvenir in the form of a miniature basketball-game.

We were motivated by the students´enthusiastic participation and will participate in next years "Technical Offensive", sponsored by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce.