Experiencing Measurement Technology Close Up

Published on: 23.07.2010 Category: Youth Promotion Youth Promotion

Birkenfeld, 07-22-2010.

Experiencing Measurement Technology Close Up

As part of the project "Faszination Technik" (The fascination of technology) of the Northern Black Forest Chamber of Commerce, MCD Elektronik invited students from the "Kepler-Gymnasium" in Pforzheim, where  MCD's trainees prepared a fascinating day for the students. Through various workshops, students could get a glimpse into the world of technology and find out more about the technical professions.

After being greeted by training director and authorized representative Petra Noske-Mahseredjian and Mr. Werner Morgenthaler, Director of the Chamber of Commerce from the Innovations/Technology Management Nordschwarzwald (Northern Black Forest), CEO Bruno Hoerter explained the history and characteristics of the company: "In 1983, the foundation for future success was laid. Four young men had a vision of a product that can be used worldwide and is superior in quality to all competitors.  An attenuator with incredible durability and accuracy was developed. To market our product, we established in 1983 the private company "MC Elektronik" with seat in Dobel. Soon we found a Danish company who implemented this attenuator into their stations and wanted to market it worldwide. At that time it was already clear that the production of the attenuator would only be the start. Even then our hearts beat for customized measurement. Today, 27 years later, MCD Elektronik belongs to the technology leaders when it comes to complex mechatronic and fully automated testing and Test systems".

Afterwards, sales manager Achmed Haddou gave a tour of MCD Elektronik. Work processes and different job systems being developed, were explained. Currently, MCD Elektronik has employed four trainees and BA students in four different occupations. In 2011, MCD will offer two more new training courses. 

The trainees of MCD Elektronik then divided the students up into three different workshop groups.

The workshop "software", led by Yvette Helbig (Trainee of Information Technology in Application Development), had her students develop and test a dog race track simulation with the MCD software. Following, students performed various programming tasks with the application development systems Visual Studio and  C#. DH-student of Electronic Communications Engineering, Dennis Weber and his group carried out tests on a car attenuator. Featured hereby was the implemented measurement technology and programming by MCD. In the workshop, "PC Technology", moderated by Patrick Kiefer, (trainee of Information Technology in Systems Integration) and Florian Ritschel, (Information Technology in Systems Integration), the students learned about specifications of a PC, and were given a guided tour of the server room at MCD Elektronik. 

After the workshops, the MCD trainees talked to the students about their industrial and technical training at MCD and the necessary requirements, qualifications and skills. In conclusion, Petra Noske-Mahseredjian gave the students useful tips if they should decide for a technical occupation, and offered them an opportunity to apply at MCD.

Mr. Morgenthaler explained the purpose of the project "Faszination Technologie":"With this program, the "Chamber of Commerce"(IHK) would like to heighten the students interest and fascination in technology and help motivate students to a technical courier training."