Robot-assisted EOL test line delivered

Published on: 18.01.2016 Category: Products Products

EOL Test Line with robot cells and connected AOI inspection.

During the time span of the year, the MCD Team finished a comprehensive project for an automotive supplier. It is an End-of-Line Test Line, which consists of five test stations and two robot cells as special features.

Panels for light and air conditioning systems are tested rotatively with these two 6-axis robot arms. The rotary actuation and haptic tests including force-displacement measurements are totally controlled by the MCD Toolmonitor Robotics along with the MCD TestManager CE und the MCD Toolmonitor Graphical Analysis.

Furthermore there are two AOI testers (Automated Optical Inspection) belonging to the project, which are checking the panels' symbols via high-resolution cameras and which are controlled by the MCD Toolmonitor Vision.

The fifth station of this line includes another haptic test for window switches. Here, rotary actuation, resistance value and torque measurements are also analysed. At the same time the devices are automatically contacted and functionality is controlled in the testing cell.

A further special feature is the central control via the self-developed MES tool from MCD. With this control the systems are administrated and adapted to new DUTs, that have to be tested.

For more information, see the project page.