Girls' week at MCD Elektronik

Published on: 27.04.2017 Category: Youth Promotion Youth Promotion

Intern Alisa Liermann (left) and student Joana Haug (right).

This week, two young women were allowed to look behind the scenes of MCD operations and immersed themselves in the world of measurement technology.

Alisa Liermann from the Reuchlin-Gymnasium in Pforzheim passed a one-week internship at MCD Elektronik, within the framework of the vocational and study orientation at the high schools of Baden-Wuerttemberg (short: BoGy). Earlier this week, she already gained experience in the field of finance and various administrative activities. More interesing insights will follow in the second half of the week in the areas of purchasing and marketing.

For the occasion of the "Girl's Future Day" event in which female students from the 5th grade onwards get experience in typical "male professions", MCD also welcomed another guest, Joana Haug. She is currently attending the 7th grade of the Theodor-Heuss-Gymnaisum and gained insight in the areas of software development and IT.

The whole team wishes a good time and a lot of success in the career choice.